Archives: Episode

The Abundant Life Beyond Death | Episode 12

Death to self, the final stage of inner transformation. Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 12: “The Abundant Life Beyond Death” This is the final episode of Season 1, “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.” Mike and Holly discuss…

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The Power of Faith | Episode 11

Faith is our vehicle to use God’s power. That is how God shares his power with us. Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 11: “The Power of Faith” To the disciple that has humility, God can entrust faith. Mike and…

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Getting Humility Right | Episode 10

We must become filled with the humility of Jesus for God to give us power. Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 10: “Getting Humility Right” Could it be the reason we hear so little about humility in the church today,…

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Freedom From Desire | Episode 9

Emotional maturity is a matter of coming to terms with our feelings, specifically our desires. Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 9: “Freedom From Desire” Only after developing some measure of spiritual maturity, which was discussed in Episode 8, are…

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What is Spiritual Maturity? | Episode 8

Who comes to mind when you think of someone who is spiritually mature? Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 8: “What is Spiritual Maturity?” If we’re talking about “spiritually maturity,” it’s a matter of the “spirit.” The spirit is the…

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The Human Heart | Episode 7

The “heart” biblically is the same thing as your “spirit,” or your “will.” Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 7: “The Human Heart” What is the human “heart” biblically? From the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, the “heart” plays…

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Who is My Neighbor? | Episode 6

It’s not a stranger, but the ones closest to you. Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 6: “Who is My Neighbor?” The way we typically think of our “neighbor” now, often leaves out the ones closest to us in life,…

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What Love is NOT | Episode 5

This week we address some cultural misconceptions about “Love.” Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 5: “What Love is NOT” What we call “love” today seems to be significantly off the mark from the biblical picture we discussed last week…

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What Exactly is Love? | Episode 4

Love is real. It’s something that actually exists, and God is the source of it. Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 4: “What Exactly is Love?” 1 John 4:7 says, “Let us love one another, for love comes from God.”…

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Spiritual Formation | Episode 3

So, what exactly is “Spiritual Formation?” Welcome to “Inside The Cup Podcast” with Mike and Holly Walsh Season 1: “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Episode 3: “Spiritual Formation” Once we take the step to become a disciple of Jesus, we have already had a spiritual formation. Our spirit and our character have already…

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